The Crucial Connection Between Leadership and Strategy With Grant Difford of Waking Giants

Grant Difford

Grant Difford is a leader among leaders and is the Founder of Waking Giants. The company works with business leaders and helps them develop purposeful strategies to take their brands to the next level. He also works as a Strategic Partner for Ronhill’s New Zealand division and previously sat on the board of trustees for Waitoki School. He has founded several businesses and has served as creative director for companies like Trends Publishing International and Jag Creative LTD. In his free time, Grant represents New Zealand at the Triathlon World Championships.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • How Grant Difford accidentally got into entrepreneurship 
  • The direct connection between leadership and strategy
  • Why efficiency is more important than working hours
  • Rolling with the punches and learning how to adapt
  • Grant’s favorite resources and what he’s taken from them

In this episode…

The primary focus of leadership is to guide others through a plan. Although, the reality is much more complex. Many people are in leadership positions because of their people skills or when they start a business. However, leaders have incredible influence that needs direction. If those skills are not developed, business strategies can easily fall short of their goals.

Grant Difford sees those needs in his clients and, after all, leaders are at the heart of every business. His consultancy, Waking Giants, specifically helps business leaders who need something else to reach the next stage of success. He uses his prior experience as a creative director and his time as a consultant to give practical guidance and steps to turn your plans into actionable strategies. Want to know his advice for entrepreneurs?

Riley Jarvis talks with Grant Difford, the Founder of Waking Giants, to go over the interplay between leadership and strategy. They get into what it means to be a leader and why pushing yourself harder may not produce better results. They also discuss Grant’s career and the valuable lessons he’s learned along the way. Find out more by listening to this episode of The Sleep For Side Hustlers Podcast.

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is sponsored by Sleep For Side Hustlers.

At Sleep For Side Hustlers, we help side hustle entrepreneurs, including rideshare drivers, gig workers, e-commerce store owners, Airbnb hosts, crypto traders, and product flippers, to be more productive and make more money by transforming their sleep with our best-in-class individualized sleep training. 

Riley Jarvis is the CEO and Founder of Sleep For Side Hustlers, with more than seven years of experience studying sleep and biohacking. From his online course to Riley’s Executive Sleep Coaching, we have a solution to suit any sleep need you might have.

Do you want to become a productivity machine, make genius business decisions, stop stress, build better relationships, and even ramp up your revenue?

All you need is a good night’s sleep. 

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