The Sleep Consultant

Master Your Mind With Daryl Spidaliere

Wade-Lightheart-300x300Daryl is a psychotherapist (now retired) and Founding Partner of the New Vantage Consulting group - an organization that provides training that improves employer insight into psychological and social factors that affect the functioning of a business. Working as a psychotherapist for 26 years, helping people manage their stress, anxiety, sleep, and more, Daryl has deep insights into the human mind and what to do to improve well-being in everyday life.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • What got Daryl into the psychotherapy space
  • The most common things that affect people’s minds
  • The four Cs that are necessary for a better performance of both an individual and a business
  • Tips to know what to do to build a healthy mind
  • How a healthy mind is related to deep sleep
  • Is there any form of therapy that works better than the others?

In this episode…

Unlock the key to your limitless capabilities and conquer the psychological battlefield for unparalleled peak performance. In a world plagued by burnout, it’s time to break free from the chains that hold you back and embrace your true potential. With a strategic mindset and unwavering determination, you have the power to overcome obstacles, unleash your untapped energy, and soar to new heights.

Daryl Spidaliere, the master of unraveling burnout and unlocking peak performance, is a guiding light in the realm of psychotherapy. With a wealth of experience, he expertly navigates the labyrinth of mental well-being, empowering individuals on their transformative quest to a revitalized mind.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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